Tooth cavity ||Tooth cavity treatment at home

 Tooth cavity || Tooth cavity treatment at home:

         Tooth cavity is small holes in the teeth caused by decay. Use  Several tooth cavity treatment at home can prevent this rot or stop it before it builds up.

         The accumulation of food and bacteria creates a film on the teeth. The name of this is plaque. If plaque is not removed, it will cause tooth decay.
        Streptococcus mutans is a type of bacterium known to contribute to this decay.
Plaque forms easily in areas such as:
1. Cracks, holes, and cracks in the teeth
between teeth.
2. Next to any filling, especially if crushed or broken
near the gum line.
3. Over time, decay reaches the inner layer of the tooth, called dentin. At this point, the cavity begins to grow.
          It is possible to prevent the hole using tooth cavity treatment at home when the rot is in the pre-pit stage. This is where the decay has made holes in the tooth enamel but it has not yet reached the dentin.
         When dentin decomposes and a hole begins to form, professional treatment is required.

Tooth cavity||tooth cavity treatment at home

1. Extraction of fat:

        Oil extraction originated in an ancient system of alternative medicine called Ayurveda. It involves rubbing a teaspoon of sesame or coconut oil on the mouth for a while and then spitting it out.
Although some claims about oil extraction are not scientifically proven, research shows that it can improve dental health. A 2009 study found that using sesame oil in a detoxification method reduces the amount of plaque and bacteria by the same amount of mouthwash.
      If oil extraction reduces plaque, this can help recall its plaque and prevent pits. More research is needed to confirm these results.

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2. Avoid phytic acid:

         Phytic acid may damage tooth enamel, and some believe that removing it from food can prevent tooth decay and cavities.
Reliable Source Research since the 1930s linked pits with food containing phytic acid. However, there is no recent evidence to support the claim.
       A 2004 study found that phytic acid affected the absorption of minerals in food. Some online articles use this research to find other conclusions. They suggest that phytic acid may also break down minerals in their enamel and lead to tooth decay. It is important to note that the study involved less than 20 participants, however.
Phytic acid is found mainly in grains and vegetables, including the following:
kidney beans
haricot beans
pinto beans
sea ​​beans
black beans
broad beans
Further research is needed to determine if phytic acid affects mineral dentures.

3. Vitamin D:

       2013 Review Reliable Source concluded that vitamin D supplements have helped reduce the incidence of tooth decay significantly.
The vitamin may have a mineral effect, which helps to strengthen tooth enamel.

4. Avoid sugary foods and drinks:

         Sugar consumption is one of the leading causes of pneumonia. Sugar is mixed with bacteria in the mouth and makes acid, which removes plaque.
         The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that people protect their pores by eating less sugary foods and beverages, according to a 2016 review of Trusted Source notes.

5. Eat licorice root:

       The antibacterial properties of licorice root may target bacteria that cause holes, according to 2011.
       A small study A Reliable Source of the same year suggested that absorbing a lollipop containing licorice extract may help prevent pores.
        However, further research is needed before dentists can recommend these lollipops to prevent cavities.

6. Sugar-free gum:

        The results of a 2015 study show that chewing sugar-free gum after meals reduces the levels of bacteria that damage their skin.
Having small bacteria can lead to a hard shell that is better equipped to withstand rot.

7. Brush with fluoride toothpaste:

        Fluoride plays an important role in blocking pores and regenerating its crust. Extensive research has been done by a reliable source to show that regular brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste prevents cavities.
     Much research has been done on children or adolescents, so more research is needed on adults and the elderly.

8. Cut out sugary foods:

      This is a pit remedy that no one likes to hear - stop eating too much sugar. The World Health OrganizationTrusted Source states that eating sugar is a very dangerous factor in cavities. They recommend reducing your sugar intake to less than 10 percent of your total calorie intake per day.
       If you are going to eat sugar, try not to eat sugary foods throughout the day. When the sugar is gone, the crust has a chance to recall. But if you eat sugar regularly, your teeth will not get a chance to remember.

9. Fluoride for mouthwash:

       Fluoride is good for teeth and helps restore minerals to teeth. Since mineral depletion or mineral deficiency is the cause of tooth decay, using fluoride mouthwash can be a good home remedy for tooth decay and tooth decay.

10. The clove:

      Clove can be an excellent ingredient in treating any oral health problem, including cavities. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, clove can relieve pain and prevent the spread of cavities.

11. Garlic:

        Besides being a wonderful flavor enhancer, garlic is also a health miracle. Eating raw garlic is also very beneficial for oral health. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties which act as a painkiller.

12. Bone broth:

       Bone broth is a soup made from the bones of boiling healthy animals mixed with fresh vegetables. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fats which are very beneficial for our health. It contains calcium and magnesium that remove cavities in our teeth and fight tooth decay.

13. Saltwater:

        Saltwater is a common home remedy for any oral health problem. It keeps oral germs free and removes stickiness in the pores. 

14. Clove oil:

       The clove contains eugenol in it, which plays a painkiller role. Therefore, clove oil provides quick relief from the pain caused by cavities and tooth decay. Its antimicrobial properties prevent the growth of any germs, fungi, or viruses.

15. Lemon:

         Lemons are rich in vitamin C; The acids found in lemon juice kill germs and help relieve the pain caused by pores. You need to keep the lemon in your mouth, chew it and wash your mouth with clean water.

16. Tea tree oil:

       Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which help fight pores. It is a simple procedure - you should just brush your teeth and gums with tea tree oil and rinse your mouth with warm water.

17. Neem:

         We all know that in ancient times people brushed their teeth with neem sticks instead of brushes. Neem is a very effective way to get healthy teeth. The fiber in it keeps the plaque in your teeth. This method is very simple, you should chew neem leaves and rinse your mouth with water. Neem remains a traditional remedy for all medical conditions in every home.

18. Baking soda:

      Baking soda is an antimicrobial agent. Its alkali reduces the acidity of the mouth and prevents it from causing cavities and tooth decay. Apply a wet brush to baking soda and brush your teeth with it. You need to be careful about brushing with baking soda, as it can damage the crust. You should only mix with baking soda for a few days. Another interesting fact is that baking soda also makes teeth whiter.

19. Eggshell:

        Eggshells contain calcium carbonate that removes decay and replenishes the minerals behind their enamel. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add baking soda and coconut oil to the powder and use it as a toothpaste. Keep the paste in an airtight container.

20. Turmeric:

       In Ayurveda, turmeric is often used to provide relief from pits. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that keep gums healthy and prevent tooth decay. There are two ways to use turmeric. First, apply turmeric to the affected teeth for a few minutes, and then rinse your mouth. Second, mix the turmeric with mustard oil and massage the mixture into the teeth and gums for 10 minutes.

21. Wheatgrass:

        Wheatgrass is a good source of vitamins A and E as well as iron, calcium, and magnesium. It has anti-bacterial properties that prevent cavities and tooth decay. Drink a glass of wheatgrass juice or mix 1 part wheatgrass juice with 6 parts water and wash your mouth with it or chew wheatgrass grass directly if you are infected.

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